More GenCon – the Delta Green scenario panel and KaRTAS post- Con show

The Unspeakable Oath podcast have released a recording of their second panel – the topic this time is scenarios, specifically creating those for Delta Green, but I think the comments and advice the panel* gives is of use to anyone writing their own material regardless of era or even game system.  Tragically the portion of the program dedicated to discuss the genius of my writing was cut off, just before they began discussing them, I heartily encourage you to give it a listen, even if it is just for Ken Hite’s fragmentary tale of a ruined riverboat casino.

*Dennis Detwiller, Adam Scott Glancy, Ken Hite, Shane Ivey, and Greg Stotze.  A real who’s who of CoC gaming (and beyond).

Ken Hite returns on the latest episode of Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff to discuss, with Robin Laws, their experience at GenCon 2014 and, especially, about their various awards.

Finally, on a personal note, my print copies of The Unspeakable Oath #24 has finally arrived.  Woot!
